Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lazy, Rainy, Saturday

Well, its been raining, and kinda dreary all morning, and I've already had like 4 naps, lol, the best of which I was nursing Becca and she was asleep on my chest while I was sleeping, she seems to enjoy to nurse while she is sleeping as much as when she is awake.

I got Travis to take a picture of me and the girls, but Lydia ran out of the picture, she really hates to get her picture taken if its a posed picture, but if she wants to pose for you then you better be ready to take her picture right then lol.

Katie Grace read a book to Lydia. Then she played dress up with Becca. I fixed cinnamon buns and orange glazed breakfast buns for brunch (1pm lol) I really would like to get some cleaning done today.
This is the start of my busy weeks starting tomorrow I really want to go to church, then Monday, Travis is to meet with the disability lawyer at 2:30, then Tuesday I have orientation for my new job and Katie Grace's report card comes out, then Wednesday Travis has court, then Thursday is m
y sisters birthday, and my first day of training at the the new job, from 6pm to 6am with a girl I worked with at the other job. Then I will be off on Friday, and will train my last two of three training days Saturday and Sunday nights with another girl I worked with at the other job. As much as I really don't want to leave the girls and don't want to go back to work, I really think this was lined up "just for me, in perfect timing" b/c I will be still not making enough to go out to eat everyday and go shopping each month, but should be able to get all of my bills paid each month without having all the stress I had at the other job. I will be making a little more than the other job, and will have much more family time. I am so happy to have such beautiful girls, and God is so good!! I have been reading in a Joyce Meyers book, but that'll be another post....... till then

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