Friday, April 4, 2008

Leaning totally on God and Prayer

Well, its been quite some time since I last sent in an update on us. Let's see.........
Ok, well, first off let me say that Becca has really been doing great with her weight gain, and on her two month well baby visit (3/11/08) she got her shots, and weighed 10lb 15oz and her head was 15 inches and she was 23 1/2 inches long. She was in the 95% for height so yet again, I'll be outgrown before they hit middle school most likely.
Wednesday March 12, I went to Greenwood Regional Rehab Hospital to get my first of two TB tests administered, that went well. Thursday the 13th, I finally had my postpartum check up and everything was great, the pap smear results came back normal. Lydia also on the same day went to see Dr Hughes, b/c Travis wanted her screened for diabetes. She refused to pee pee in the cup acting scared it would hurt her or something lol. Friday I was to get a fasting blood sugar on Lydia and it was 118. Monday March the 17 (St Patty's Day) Lydia was vomiting and very lethargic, and couldn't' even keep liquids down, the doctors wanted us to bring her in to be seen, and they recommended we take her to the hospital to get some blood work done, and it came back normal so they sent us home. Tuesday the 18th, Lydia's fasting blood sugar was 79, and then that afternoon, Travis had been working outside and didn't' put his tools up and Katie Grace decided she would grab the utility knife and whittle some wood, and sliced her forearm wide open, severing the nerves. We took her to the ER, and waited for almost 4 hours then came home. We got home and they were calling us back saying there was only a certain time frame it could be stitched up in and we needed to get her back there, but that we would have to go through the waiting process again. This time I stayed home with Lydia and Becca and Travis took her.
bbl to finish feeding time
ok I'm back now.....
So when Travis and Katie Grace got home he was quite upset, and rightly so, after waiting all that time, and then getting a phone call telling us that she had to come in so they could stitch it up all they did was glue it together with dermabond. So anyways it was after 3am when they got back, and Katie Grace was beginning to hurt a bit from it and so Travis decided it would be best for her to stay home from school that next day, well good thing too, b/c it ended up splitting open and Travis put a butterfly bandage and two band aids over it and it ended up still healing with a wider scar than if it had been stitched. Wednesday the 19th I went to get my second TB testing done, and I brought Becca with me b/c Travis was working outside at home and Lydia was content in the sand, so I decided to take her with me. It was fine that she went, but the lady that was to give me the shot, was at home sick with the flu, so I had to wait for someone else to administer it to me. Ok so I did, I waited and waited, then they found the lady that was to give it to me, and then I saw someone I knew and I went and showed her Becca b/c she hadn't met her yet, and stood there and talked to her forever. Then Friday (Good Friday) I went to the school to make pinecone bird feeders with Katie Grace's K-5 class, and they all had a blast. Lydia's blood sugar that morning was 87.
Saturday March 22 we left to go to Mama's for Easter/Spring Break. We were going to stay anywhere between 1 and 4 days. We got there extremely late Saturday night, and Sunday we opened Easter baskets (the girls did lol) then we went to the Chambers for Easter brunch and everybody got to see Becca for the first time. Saturday was not only Becca's first time to Highlands, but her first time discovering her tongue, and her first time trying to lift her head while being held, or while laying down. She had lifted her head well and kept good control of it for quite some time now when you were holding her over your shoulder, but this was her being held forward facing, and she was trying to sit up so to speak. We came home Wednesday afternoon, just in time to unload the jeep and get settled in time to watch the American Idol results show. Thursday 3/27 I went to Abbeville to get my CPR training, and that went very well. So then I was to call the Rehab Hospital and set up a schedule for me to start working and the lady wasnt' in so I was kinda relieved, b/c I really wasn't ready just yet, lol. I called her back on Friday (Lydia's fasting sugar was 114) and she was able to give me a schedule. I was thrilled with my schedule. It will allow me to have the best of both worlds, I can still have lots of hours at home to fulfill my SAHM feelings I desire for, and I can still be making enough money to hopefully get some bills paid. Katie Grace and Lydia both had doctors appointments Wednesday April 2 and Katie Grace got a clean bill of health with the exception of the fact that they found some blood in her urine, and so we have to take her to the hospital and get an UA on her, and she got one shot, a Chicken Pox booster.
Now for the not so fun stuff.......
bbl Katie Grace just got off the bus
I'm back and its now Saturday morning...
That night (Wednesday April 2) Travis asked me if I no longer had any sexual desires, and I told him that no that wasn't it, I just didn't feel comfortable making love during the times he was wanting to. Well, he says it has nothing to do with that but that night he slapped Katie Grace across her cheeck because she bluntly ignored him. The next day I knew he was upset, but he wouldn't talk to me and tell me what was up, so I grabbed his face and "made him look at me" well that made him madder and he grabbed me by my arm and my jaw and twisted, to get me to take my hands off of him, saying that I'm not his mother quit acting like it. Well it hurt quite a bit but I just prayed for him and forgave and forgot, but was quickly reminded of it b/c the bruise hurts when I laid down. It is still a little sore but doesn't hurt near as bad this morning.

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