I listened to a podcast called Marriage for Dummies, and they suggest that one of the best ways to improve your marriage is to kiss for 10 seconds at a time, twice a day minimum. I guess it couldn't hurt huh..... for 1 -how can you kiss for 10 seconds long, if you are upset with each other, so you will be creating less friction in the relationship.
I had quite a weird day yesterday. Let's start with Thursday, I woke up at 7:10 am to feed Becca, and didn't get to take but a 15 minute nap throughout the day. Well, that was no biggie, I just knew that I would be that much more tired when I got off work. Well, Travis decided at like 1ish that he had to go to town to do a few things that HAD to be done, I just wish he had gone earlier in the day. So I told him that I needed him to go to Wal-Mart to get me a new uniform b/c I only had two of them fit, and they were both dirty, BUT that he HAD to be home by 5:15 b/c I have to leave by 5:30 to make it to work on time. Well he got here around 5:20 and I left at 5:35 which I was thinking that would still be ok, that I should still be able to make up the difference with a few over the speed limit areas, well, of course what happens EVERY TIME that you are running late????? You get behind someone that is going 10 miles per hour less than the posted limit. So I got there and clocked in at 6:03, which by the way is the last time you can clock in and not be tardy. So I got there and was frustrated about being late (mentally, I knew I wasnt' tardy, but I was still late in my mind) and when I saw my assignment I got super hyped up to be able to handle the load I was given. I was given 8 patients, when the most I'd had so far at this new job was 5 patients, and that was a rough night, I knew 8 would give me a run for my money. So I went and got ice to pass out to all of my patients, after getting report on all of them, and as usual I delivered ice, and introduced myself, and got an idea of what each would need and when, and see if anything needed done right away. Well lo and behold they everyone wanted to do something RIGHT NOW. So from 6:03-9:30 I never slowed down a single bit, and didnt' get to go pump until then. I normally pump at 9, 12, and 3, and I was so behind, but when I get behind on my pumping schedule I get frustrated and it makes my whole night seem out of whack. So I finally got back on schedule by going and pumping at 12 and even got started early by taking my vitals at 3 instead of 5, and I had already given one shower at 8 last night and so I still had one bath to give, so when I planned out my last round, I figured I would take everybody's vitals except for the lady I was going to give a bath to and take her vitals last so that I could just go right into her bath. Well, everything went picture perfect, until............. I went back after the ladies bath and did another quick check over all of my patients, and one of my ladies had peed up her whole bed, all night long she would say she didn't have to go to the bathroom, and I had been given in report that this lady was continent, and alert and orientated, but it turns out that she was alert and orientated, but not times 4, mostly I'd say times 2, and we were having to do bladder scans before and after she peed, well, we scanned her bladder, and got over 350 ml of urine in her bladder, so ok, we took her to the bathroom, and she said she didn't have to pee, and so we had to scan her again, and of course that same amount of urine was still in her bladder, and she kept saying that she didn't have to pee, but then would pee up her bed and her pull ups, so I made sure that in report that I passed on that this lady was NOT continent! So that got me behind again and I was almost late clocking out.
So then I came home and fell asleep very quickly! Travis woke me up and said he was going to do something and was taking Lydia with him, and I asked him to please be home in time to go walking with my sister, I need to leave by 5:30 to be there by 6. He got home at 6, and my sister was not feeling well anyways so of course I didn't get to go walking. BUT I had slept all day long and fell asleep again before 7:30, so apparently I was to tired anyways.
My phone kinda freaked me out yesterday, back in the winter my space heater, almost caught on fire, but instead burnt the power strip in that particular socket, the plastic around the socket on the space heater alone, was disfigured. So my phone was acting really weird, and so I went to try to put it on the charger, and instead of it saying charging, it kept saying needs charging, so I was like why isn't it charging, and finally looked at the plug in and it was plugged in, but was covered with clothes, and was getting hot, so I figured, that it had gotten to hot, and wouldn't' work any more. But I tried to plug it into another socket just to see if it would work, but it still wouldn't work, then all of a sudden, I heard my phone ringing, and went in there and it was saying charging by then, so my assumption is that it had to cool down, but of course I was freaking out thinking that my phone was completely gone.
So now its Saturday morning, and I'm not in the best of moods, and not in the worst either, just hoping that I can get something done today. I am fixing to do my checkbook, and am not looking forward to it, b/c I think I'm a greased cat hair away from being overdrawn
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