Well, its now day 10 of my Bible reading plan, and I'm finally finished with day 3! Last night I was laying there reading and Travis kept trying to talk to me, then finally he said just read it out loud, and so I did. Then he got up to go to the bathroom, and so I started reading to myself again, and he said keep reading, so I had to go back and start reading out loud from where he had left off. I am so upset with him this morning though because he is out of all of his most important medicines, and woke up at 11:30 and in order to get his meds he has to be there before 11! I was downloading some pictures to send to my Mama, and I found this picture,
of me that Travis had taken of me walking at the park lol. Ok so back to my life........... I worked Friday for overtime, and for the first time got Mothers Day gifts from my children, via my husband instead of someone else. I got the most beautiful flowers, and an iPod accessory kit, which I wish they had not gotten, b/c I only wanted/needed like one or two things out of it, and the rest was a waste of money that now is causing my doggone power bill to be late getting paid, b/c he spent so much money. And while I'm on my complaining kick, I'll keep going at least it hopefully will get it off of my chest. When I was a stay at home mom, everything was my fault as far as the appearance of the house, the laundry, the meals, the appointments, etc. Now that Travis is a stay at home dad, and I'm working, for some reason the house cleaning, cooking, laundry, appointments, etc are still all MY responsibility for some reason thats not adding up for me. He can go hunting, fishing, and go hide in the bathroom and read for hours on end, b/c he needs some time to himself, but if I dare to pick up a crochet hook and some yarn, I'm wasting time, that there are much more important things to be done. Ok so enough complaining for that paragraph.
I have been really slack with taking pictures here lately, I was doing very good taking at least one picture of each of the girls weekly on Wednesdays since they were all born on Wednesdays, but its been almost a month since I took some pictures, so I took a couple of Lydia and Becca today :) I sent my sister a list of things I wanted to get done the other day, and I only got like one or two things off of it done :(
So I need to get busy now, here is my to do list for today, and not sure how much will get done, b/c Katie Grace will be home in 10 minutes now.....
- Wash dishes
- Put up clean dishes
- Clean off table
- Fold clothes on the line (inside line, Travis put the clothes outside yesterday and knows I'm not going to go get them, b/c I don't like clothes hung outside its a big argument around here)
- Work on the bar
- Read in my Bible
- Read in my Joyce Meyer book
- Clean off the couch
- Put clothes up!!!
- Work on computer area
- Sweep living room floor then vacuum
- Clean off porch
- (hopefully) Take a bubble bath
- Try to catch up on podcasts
- Price color ink for printer so I can print some pictures
- Sweep kitchen
- Work on the bathroom some
Ok so I know that I've got way more on here than I could possibly get done in one day, but usually when I'm upset about something I get quite a bit of cleaning done, Travis used to joke and say that he would make me really mad if he wanted something done right, b/c I get so mad at things not being done right, and then I have to "do them myself"
Ok so let me get started
Well, Katie Grace just got off the bus, and her Kindergarten graduation is June 3 at 8:30 am and I called my mom, and (am I the least bit surprised no, I knew she wouldn't come) she has something else to do. I found out over the weekend that my step brother is thinking about moving up there where Mama lives, and I know that they will do everything they can to make that happen, but yet, I've tried several times to get them to help me get my family moved up there and they keep trying to find ways to keep me from moving up there. Oh well, I guess I'll just forget I have a mother, my mother died in December of 2005 I guess, I guess she wasn't my grandmother she was my mother.
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